Declaracion; Declaraciones
= assertion, claim, statement, declaration, bid, testimony, communiqué, pronouncement, utterance, testimonial, deposition.
Ex: The argument in support of this proposal rests on the following assertions: The main entry is a relic of the early days of the printed book catalog when, for reasons of space and cost of printing, a book was to be represented by one entry only.
Ex: The final justification is to be found in the claim that SLIS provide a form of information education that is not provided elsewhere.
Ex: Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.
Ex: Profiles may remain empty declarations of intent in a changing reality.
Ex: Try to envisage explaining the significance of a bid of "two clubs" in contract bridge to someone who has never seen a pack of playing cards.
Ex: Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who "loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens" just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.
Ex: The official communiqué issued at the end of the meeting follows: "The meeting deplores and is deeply shocked by the extensive damage to, and looting of, the cultural heritage of Iraq caused by the recent conflict" = El comunicado oficial emitido al final de la asamble dice: "La asamblea condena y se siente horrorizada por el enorme daño y el saqueo del patrimonio cultural de Irak ocasionado por el reciente conflicto".
Ex: However I have pointed out what seem to me to be the more important of the relevant rules and I have tried to summarize their main pronouncements without misrepresentation, despite the unavoidable simplification.
Ex: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.
Ex: Testimonials from the participants showed that the workshops had economic, social and environmental benefits .
Ex: The investigation revealed that he had made false statements under oath during sworn oral depositions in proceedings
* ayuda con la declaración de hacienda = income tax assistance.
* declaración bajo juramento = statement under oath.
* declaración de conformidad = declaration of agreement.
* Declaración de Derechos = Bill of Rights.
* declaración de guerra = declaration of war.
* declaración de intenciones = policy statement, statement of objectives, mission statement, purpose statement, letter of intent, declaration of intent.
* declaración de la renta = tax return, income tax, income tax return, income tax statement.
* Declaración de los Derechos del Usuario = Library Bill of Rights.
* declaración de objetivos = statement of objectives, purpose statement, mission statement.
* declaración de postura oficial = position paper.
* declaración de prensa = press statement.
* Declaración de Principios = statement of principles, value statement, Bill of Rights.
* declaración de propiedad = claim.
* declaración jurada = declaration form, form of declaration, deposition, sworn affidavit, affidavit.
* declaración pública = public statement.
* impreso de declaración de la renta = income tax form, tax form.
* prestar declaración = give + evidence.
* prestar declaración bajo juramento = testify + under oath.